Eyyübiye Chair
02 Oct
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The district of Eyyübiye of Şanlıurfa has a very modern structure. So that the first name that comes to mind when the district of Eyyubiye is the prophet Eyüp.
In time, the prophet Eyup lived here, and his ordeal attracted attention with his patience. Eyyübiye district is known as the most populous city in the region.
Historical places to visit here; Kurtuluş Museum, Fırfırlı Mosque, Selahattin Eyyubi Mosque, Küçük Hacı Mustafa Hacıkamiloğlu Mansion, Haleplibahçe Mosaics, Balıklı Lake, Halil-Ür Rahman Mosque, Aynzeliha Lake and Aynzeliha Lake. The regional characteristics of the region are very striking.
There are many historical cafes, restaurants and hotels in Eyyübiye district. This type of social facility areas, historical and natural beauty will be advantageous for visitors to be close to. At the same time the seats and berjer models used in the venues have become quite popular.