5 Office Furniture Trends

It is a reflection of the workplace as the workplace directly affects how office staff interact with each other.

That's why the headquarters of Large companies are designed to resonate with the theme, colors and symbols that form part of the brand identity.

Thus, to design and decorate the interior of the company's workplaces

is an important reason for investing heavily,

and no matter which country you visit the office of this brand, you can find similar design and furniture settings.

As companies adopt new practices in the workplace,

New trends around office furniture and interior design reflect this.

In 2019, the emergence of many new office furniture trends

and is expected to become popular in culture leading to wider acceptance in society.

Integration of Smart Devices to Create Smart Furniture:

As offices turn into corporate parks and parks into smart cities, the need to monitor population density and space usage is becoming increasingly important.

To follow this, companies are making office desks personalized.

and occupancy sensors that track the occupancy percentage per floor or in a conference room

It comes with a small but powerful step that it integrates with.

But based on this information, which produces reliable usage statistics, management is a two-fold aggregation

or make energy-efficient decisions, such as converting a conference room into smaller meeting rooms.

as a result, numbers impact on employee productivity, better collaboration among team members,

and when it is directly related to savings in overhead costs.

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This is just one example of how smart office furniture will affect working life.

Shared Office Space Furniture: Open, shared workspaces are gaining favor among small businesses, freelancers, remote workers, and in some cases even big brands.

This model is suitable for investing in workspace,

It offers a low-cost option. Traditional co-working spaces popularized by tech startups bring multiple companies under one roof. But previously there was a limitation on operations and different entities would remain closed from each other.

They would allow companies to share the same space, resources, and sometimes even talent.

Open Plan Editing:

Along the same lines, a new trend is emerging among the office cubicle workforce, where traditional cubicle walls are being demolished. This transition from segmented individual workstations to more open-plan office spaces is expected to develop an increased sense of community, increase collaboration, and strengthen social relationships.

Adding Green to the Study: With the advantages of having plants work spaces in popular culture, many companies are investing in building infrastructures such as roof gardens, water features, nature-based wall dividers that use bamboo or wood, among others, to better sustain worker health. like increasing efficiency.

Office workers feel calm, creative,

Being in nature has proven beneficial on many levels to help them feel happier and healthier. Now companies are using the vertical garden to apply the 'green' idea to all their processes.

or they'll dive deeper beyond the sleek grass pavement. Offices, hotels, shopping malls etc. Vivid green walls, air-purifying plants,

started to add colorful flowers and bonsai trees to its indoor and outdoor spaces.

Using Geometric and Abstract Patterns:

A single monotonous monochrome color adorning the walls of the offices,

it was the stereotype most companies used when designing their workspace. However, most companies now hire professional interior designers to map the office environment. For this reason, evocative and abstract patterns and geometric forms are used in corridors, meeting rooms.

and it's making its way into office lobbies everywhere.

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